PARPA Meeting MinutesMinutes 3-3-2022

March 3, 2022

Port Authority Retired Police Association – Minutes

12:24 Meeting called to order by John McDevitt
Pledge of Allegiance – Led by John McDevitt
Moment of Silence for all members lost
12:26 Roll Call of officers and trustees – John O’Donnell
12:30 Motion for minutes accepted online.

MTA: Griffith
2nd : Ignizio

12:30 Treasurer’s Report – John Zultanky
Finance Report – John McDevitt
MTA: D’Amato
2nd: Snyder

12:35 Roll of Deceased Members: McDevitt for Campion.
12:38 Joe Nicoletti report on By Laws update.
Recruitment in progress for members of committee
By Laws originally written in 1962
12:42 Website PBA has added our site to PBA Site
12:44 Jack Giordano report on HR 218

Starting 2022 all RPO renewals are to be done online
If you mail it in it will be returned to you

12:50 Raffle: John O’Donnell
2021 raffle successful. $2500 to winner and $500 donated back.
2022 raffle will be drawn at annual Holiday Party
$50 per ticket, only 100 tickets to be sold
Contact John O’Donnell 201-388-3324 or come by a meeting.
12:52 Next Election is in September
Day at the Races 6/4/22 First race 1300hrs
Motion to Adjourn Healy, Second Cheplik

John O’Donnell – Recording Secretary
PO Box 1764, Cranford, NJ 07016

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Larry McCarron Attorney at Law
Services Provided
(845) 444-5234

Shore Point Distributors
Donation – Spirits & Beverages
(732) 308-3334


​Cash Donations can be made payable to –
Port Authority Retired Police, Assoc or P.A.R.P.A.

PO Box 1764, Cranford, NJ 07016

We are a 501 (C) (7) Organization, donations are not tax deductible.


Please remember us when you are writing or updating your will or trust.

Copyright © 2020 Port Authority Retired Police Association

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