New Retiree Application

Congratulations on your retirement!

If you have just retired, then you are in luck,  your dues are free till the end of the calendar year.

Since you are here we assume that you want to join the Port Authority Retired Police Association, (PARPA) and become an integral part of one of the more active groups of men and women with which you can be affiliated.
All ranks are welcome!  Dues are $20.00 per year; however, as mentioned above, the dues are waived for the remainder of the year you retire.

Our meetings are held four times a year. The first three are on the first Thursday of March, June, and Sept, at a site to be determined.  Locations will be announced on our website.

The final meeting / Holiday party, will be held on the first Thursday of December at The Fiesta, 255 Route 17 South, Wood-Ridge, NJ.   This includes a Cocktail hour, Open Bar all night,  Buffet Dinner, and Viennese Dessert table. The cost to members is one half of the total per/person price.  PARPA subsidizes the remaining cost. (In 2022, the cost was $45 to the member.)

We have events scheduled throughout the year which all can be found on the this website under the “Upcoming Events” menu above.

Please fill out the application below to join the Port Authority Retire Police Association and press Submit. You will be sent courtesy cards via US Mail.  Additional cards can be purchased at a nominal fee.  Email John at [email protected] for more cards

If you retired this year, you can pay for your half of the Christmas Party.
If you did not retire in this calendar year,  you will be prompted for dues payment as well as the party cost if you are planning to attend.  At the bottom of the form you can pay directly with PayPal.   If you need to send a check, choose the “offline payment” selection and follow the instructions.

You can use this form as a change of address, or to update any other information as well

PARPA Application 2023

To Send a Check, Choose "Offline Payment" above and
use this mailing address to send your check

John M. Zultanky - Treasurer
P.O. Box 1764
Cranford, NJ 07016-1764

If you would like to send a donation,  send with your check, or use this link to use PayPal,